Bartholomew Foundation
To secure the financial foundation of the Mother Church…. in perpetuity.
The Ecumenical Patriarchate
Established in 38 AD by St. Andrew the Apostle, the Patriarchate of Constantinople is one of the most enduring institutions in the world and has played a prominent part in world history.
We thank our 241 Founders for their generous support who as of March 12 have pledged $26.4 million!
These individuals have stepped up once again, as they have multiple times generously serving the needs of the Church at the local, Metropolis, Archdiocese and now the Ecumenical Patriarchal levels.
Foundation News

Have a Powerful Impact
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Foundation is driven by the generous financial support of our supporters and members. Working together, we have a powerful impact on helping the ministries of the Phanar. Your support right now will go to work immediately to help financially sustain the Mother Church of Constantinople.
Support the Church
Your gift to the Foundation will help protect the treasured and sacred institution for generations to come.
Some of our most generous donors are members of this exclusive group. With a gift of $100,000 or more over ten years, you’ll safeguard our heritage.
Estate Planning
The future of our Ecumenical Patriarchate will be sustained by today’s planned and deferred gifts. Together with our most loyal donors, we will be able to ensure that the Sacred See of Saint Andrew remains protected and preserved for many generations to come.
Other Ways To Give
Learn how you can tailor your giving. You can give a donation in memory of a loved one, give through a giving program, and more.