Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Emily Ann Kavourias
Michael and Emily have been married for over 30 years and are the proud parents of Nicholas and Alexander. They have been active members Leadership 100 since 2000. In October 2016, Michael was inducted as an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Order of St. Andrew. Michael is a member of the Archdiocesan Council for the past 12 years and is currently serving as President of the Parish Council for the Transfiguration of Christ Church. Emily serves as the Vice President of the Ladies Philoptochos. Michael is one of the founding partners and the Chief Operating Officer of Mandrake Capital Partners, a real estate fund manager based in NYC. He is an attorney/CPA and has volunteered on numerous pro-bono projects, including serving as legal advisor for the rebuilding of the St. Nicholas Shrine over the last 20 years.